About this Dental Education Course
Available online, Achieving Predictable Esthetic Results is a postgraduate dental training seminar that provides procedural knowledge to complete contemporary restorative dentistry highest level. You will leave this dental continuing education seminar with a clear understanding of the four options of treatment: Reshaping, Repositioning, Restoring and Surgical alternatives.
The course covers preliminary mouth preparation such as necessary periodontal procedures and occlusal equilibration as well as soft tissue surgical procedures to create an ideal gingival backdrop. Course instructors will also discuss tooth preparation for dental crowns and veneers, provisional restorations, bite registration techniques, laboratory communication and cementation/adhesive options.
Course Information
There are two ways to take this course: online or in person in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Online Learning
Register for the online course at thedawsonacademy.com
Instructor: Peter E. Dawson, DDS, Glenn DuPont, DDS, John Cranham, DDS
CE Credits: 12
Runtime: 12 hours
Format: Video + Manual
Tuition: $999 (US Dollars) +tax for 12 month access
Prerequisites: None
Target Audience: General Dentists, Specialists, Laboratory Technicians
Classroom Learning
Course Dates: 3 – 5 November, 2016
Class Hours: Day 1 and 2 – 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Day 3 – 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Tuition: $1,695 (US Dollars) +tax
CE Credits: 19
Recommended Prerequisites: Functional Occlusion- From TMJ to Smile Design, Examination and Records, Treatment Planning Functional Esthetic Excellence
Target audience: General Dentists
Instructors: Dr. Peter E. Dawson, Dr. John C. Cranham, Dr. Glenn DuPont
Register at thedawsonacademy.com
Learning Objectives
- Recognize how to prevent breakage and failure of anterior restorations.
- Acquire information to maximize function and longevity of anterior restorative dentistry.
- List the goals of every finished equilibration.
- Identify the expanded 4×4 process to 16 functional and esthetic requirements.
- Assess how to efficiently equilibrate the natural dentition and when to use splints in the process.
- Distinguish when veneers, all ceramic crowns, zirconia, or metal ceramic crowns are the right choice for your patient.
- Discover the keys to efficient and correct tooth reduction for veneers and crowns.
- Communicate esthetic gingival position to your Periodontist and Orthodontist.
- Acquire the key components of lab communication – what to send when.
- Appraise the value of equilibration in everyday restorative practice.
- Identify the 10 steps to contouring provisional restorations for optimum phonetics, esthetics, and function, and why this will change your practice forever.
- Plan how to create a customized anterior guidance for each of your anterior restorative cases.